프랑스 대사관 협약식

On 15th Dec. 2015, Dr. Marie Joselle HASSAN, the Medical Officer of French Embassy, and her assistant, Miss Qi visited Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital. Dr. Xie, the director of International & VIP Clinic, warmly received them and showed them around the hospital. Dr. Marie Joselle HASSAN praised good environment, advanced medical equipment and good service in the hospital.

 After then, an eye health contract was signed between Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital and French Embassy. Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital became the appointed eye hospital by French Embassy. We appreciate the trust from Dr. Marie Joselle HASSAN and we will try our best to provide eye health care for the staff of French Embassy.


예약 및 상담 전화 (한국어 가능)

  • 직통번호 : 010-6773-2700
  • 이메일 : customerservice@intecheye.com

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